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N.Y. PSC Grants Two Utilities Further Extension To Implement EDI Changes For APP Bill Credits (Changes Needed For ESCOs To Offer Waiver Guaranteed Savings Product, Interim Manual Solution Offered)

October 4, 2017

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Copyright 2010-17
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The New York PSC has granted Consolidated Edison and Orange and Rockland Utilities a further extension of time to implement EDI changes necessary to accommodate ESCO bill credits to Assistance Program Participant (APP) customers

In a (since superseded) February 2015 order, the PSC ordered that for an ESCO to serve an Assistance Program Participant customer, the ESCO must satisfy at least one of two conditions: the ESCO must guarantee that the customer will pay no more, on an annual basis, than the customer would have paid as a full service customer of the utility, or the ESCO must provide Assistance Program Participants with energy-related value-added products or services

"Billing changes may be necessary to accommodate these credits," the PSC noted in its February 2015 order, setting deadlines for needed EDI changes to accommodate such bill credits

Since the adoption of such February 2015 order, the PSC has since adopted a prohibition on ESCO service to APP customers, except where the ESCO is specifically granted a waiver by the PSC for an approved guaranteed savings product. The PSC has thus far granted one such waiver, to Ambit Energy

Presumably, while the waiver mechanism was the result of a separate order, one mechanism for implementing guaranteed savings products under any APP waiver will ostensibly be the same APP bill credit mechanism envisioned by the February 2015 order

In prior requests to extend the deadline for implementing the EDI changes, the joint utilities specifically noted that there is, "the potential for APP Credits at a date at least one month following the eventual Prohibition Order implementation date." Accordingly, implementation of the APP bill credit mechanism is essential to having a workable system to allow ESCOs to utilize any granted APP waiver request.

After receiving prior extensions which pushed back the EDI compliance date to October 2, ConEd and O&R on October 2 asked for an additional 90 days, from the prior October 2, 2017 deadline, to implement EDI changes needed for the APP credits

ConEd and O&R said in their request that, "The Companies respectfully request an additional extension of 90 days to implement the APP EDI Changes in order to properly complete and test the new transactions. This extension is required as the Companies are in the process of finalizing the new EDI transactions that will transmit interval data associated with the Companies’ deployment of Automated Meter Infrastructure. The Companies require further time to integrate the transactions necessary to accommodate bill credits into a variety of internal systems."

ConEd and O&R further said that, "In the interim, the Companies have developed a manual means of providing ESCOs with the necessary bill credit information so that ESCOs will have the ability to provide credits to customer accounts."

The PSC granted ConEd and O&R an extension until January 2, 2018 to implement the APP EDI changes

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