Ameren Residential, Small C&I Price To Compare Falling By Over 30%
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Ameren Illinois has filed its Retail Purchased Electricity Charges and Transmission Service Charge for the period beginning June 1, 2023
For residential customers, the Ameren Illinois price to compare will be 7.877 cents per kWh, for all usage, effective June 1, 2023. Ameren's current non-summer PTC differs at usage above and below 800 kWh, so an apples to apples comparison isn't available, but for usage under 800 kWh, the new residential PTC is 33% lower than the current under 800 kWh usage PTC (PTCs apply to residential Non-Interval Metered Non-Lighting customers)
The Ameren prices to compare include the Retail Purchased Electricity Charge (supply), the Transmission Service Charge, and the Supply Cost Adjustments (two separate adjustments). The Ameren prices to compare do not include the bypassable Purchased Electricity Adjustment, and the Ameren prices to compare thus do not reflect the entirety of the bypassability cost for shopping customers.
Official PTCs are not produced for non-residential customers
However, for BGS-2 – Small General Service (Rate DS-2 – Small General Delivery Service), the sum of the Retail Purchased Electricity Charge (supply), the Transmission Service Charge, and the Supply Cost Adjustments (two separate adjustments) effective June 1, 2023 is 9.645 cents per kWh, about 30% lower than the current 14.020 cents per kWh, for Non-Interval Metered Non-Lighting customers
The June 1 PTCs listed above are to be in place through September 2023, barring any change in the Supply Cost Adjustments (which typically does not occur during the summer period). Ameren has filed updated Retail Purchased Electricity Charge for the period beginning October 1, 2023, but those rates are subject to change based on any fall 2023 procurement
Such indicative non-summer 2023-24 Retail Purchased Electricity Charges, plus Retail Purchased Electricity Charges, plus rate components for other classes, can be found in the links below:
New Retail Purchased Electricity Charges & Supply Cost Adjustments
New Transmission Service Charges
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May 22, 2023
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Copyright 2010-23 EnergyChoiceMatters.com
Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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