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VW To Offer "Own Products And Services" Along Electric Mobility Value Chain; Offer "Energy Services" & Green Energy

Taps North American Vet To Lead Energy Business

July 12, 2023

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Copyright 2010-23
Reporting by Paul Ring •

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Volkswagen Group announced a strategic realignment of its charging and energy business, stating that, "Volkswagen Group will expand its future offering in charging and energy services such as public charging, green energy, and energy management."

"We recognized early on that charging and energy is one of the most important future fields for the ramp-up of electric mobility and the energy transition. It is therefore crucial to develop our own products and services along the entire value chain and to conclude strategic partnerships in the energy sector," said Thomas Schmall, Member of the Volkswagen Group Board of Management responsible for Technology and CEO of Volkswagen Group Technology.

"With this clear strategic orientation, Volkswagen aims to offer innovative solutions for load management, energy market optimization, and energy trading," VW further said

The Volkswagen Group is planning the first intelligent charging management services for fleet customers from 2024

Current VW properties Elli and Electrify America, "are to cooperate more closely and roll out new business models internationally."

Elli currently operates in various European markets, and, "offers a broad range of energy and charging solutions ... and acts as a mobility service provider."

"The current product portfolio includes charging solutions for private customers and companies – from the company's own home chargers and the flexible fast-charging stations (Flexpoles) to charging services and innovative smart green electricity tariffs," VW said

VW named Giovanni Palazzo as Head of Charging and Energy

"Giovanni Palazzo brings important experience from the North American market, where he has served as CEO of Electrify America since 2018," VW said


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