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PUC Sets Workshop On Review Of Rules Concerning Utility Exit From Merchant Function

July 21, 2023

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Copyright 2010-23
Reporting by Paul Ring •

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The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio has scheduled for August 31, 2023 a workshop in Case 23-0736-GA-ORD, concerning a review of Ohio Adm.Code Chapter 4901:1-19, relating to, among other things, exit-the-merchant function plans for natural gas utilities, and similar exemptions and alternative rate plans

The proceeding is a customary five-year review of administrative rules, as required by statute.

As is typical in such rule reviews, the workshop is being held as follows: "Before issuing Staff’s draft rules for comment, the attorney examiner finds it appropriate to hold a workshop with interested stakeholders. At the workshop, Staff may elicit feedback on any proposed revisions to the rule that Staff may be contemplating, and stakeholders may propose revisions to the rules for consideration. Interested stakeholders should come to the workshop prepared with any necessary technical experts to provide appropriate feedback. An attorney examiner from the Commission’s legal department will serve as a moderator for the workshop. After Staff has an opportunity to consider the feedback received at the workshop, proposed draft rules will be issued for written comments and reply comments by interested persons."

PUCO last year conducted a separate review of Chapter 4901:1-19 for the purposes of complying with legislation requiring the reduction of regulatory restrictions. Such review did not result in any stakeholder comment

Case 23-736-GA-ORD; Case 23-0736-GA-ORD


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