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PUC Suspends Retail Supplier's License

July 24, 2023

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Copyright 2010-23
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

The Pennsylvania PUC has suspended the electric generation supplier license of Planet Energy (Pennsylvania) Corporation

Planet Energy may not enroll any new customers for the duration of the suspension.

As previously reported, Planet Energy is not serving customers in Pennsylvania, having returned them to default service last year.

The PUC's Investigation Bureau has filed a complaint against Planet Energy, seeking in excess of $2.8 million in penalties for Planet Energy's alleged termination of fixed price contracts (via dropping customers to default service) without various notice required under PUC rules

See background here

Planet Energy has filed to abandon its Pennsylvania supplier license. In a separate action, the PUC had tentatively proposed to cancel Planet's license for an alleged failure to file proof of security. However, the PUC instead ordered a suspension of the license, stating, "Given BI&E’s pending complaint, the Commission shall refrain from cancelling or granting an abandonment of Planet Energy’s EGS license, until the Commission is assured that all obligations of Planet Energy to Pennsylvania consumers and the Commonwealth have been properly met."

The suspension of the license is notable as Planet Energy (Pennsylvania) Corporation, and its status as a licensed entity, was stated to be an asset potentially to be included in any restructuring sale of Planet Energy's parent

(see details here)


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