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Final Order Allocates EDC Billing Costs To Retail Suppliers, Sets Amount For Each Supplier

July 26, 2023

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Copyright 2010-23
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

The Connecticut PURA has issued a final decision to allocate, to retail electric suppliers, the utilities' costs to update their billing systems to include Next Cycle Rate information and related obligations

The decision finds that the utilities' filed costs are prudent, and allocates the aggregate of $2.3 million to retail suppliers

Cost allocation to retail suppliers is based on two metrics

One portion is a fixed fee allocated to all third-party electric suppliers who currently have a license to serve residential customers. Third-party electric suppliers who are licensed to only serve business customers and have incidental residential accounts (IRA) are not considered licensed to serve residential customers and are therefore excluded from the final allocation of the Final Project Costs.

The second portion is allocated to third-party electric suppliers based upon each electric supplier’s average residential customer count for the three calendar years following the issuance of the Implementation Decision concerning the billing changes, specifically 2019, 2020, and 2021

The specific amounts allocated to each supplier is below:

"[T]he Authority directs third-party electric suppliers to pay the EDCs for the electric supplier’s allocated share of the Final Project Costs. A third-party electric supplier’s failure to pay its allocated share of the Final Project Costs may subject the electric supplier to civil penalties levied in accordance with Conn. Gen. Stat. § 16-41," PURA said

PURA in the decision also moved to further clarify reported migration data concerning incidental residential accounts (IRA) served by suppliers

"To ensure there is clarity in the Authority’s expectations of the EDCs’ reporting requirements regarding IRAs, the Authority directs the EDCs to separately report IRAs in their monthly Docket No. 06-10-22 Compliance Filings [the migration data filings]. Specifically, each EDC shall exclude IRAs from their residential reporting and separately report IRAs for each third-party electric supplier serving customers in the EDC’s territory. Additionally, each EDC shall modify each of the filings to include a column that captures the corresponding monthly kWh for both the newly created report, as well as the existing reports. In addition, the Authority directs the EDCs to jointly submit for review and approval the method by which they will display and report IRAs in future Docket No. 06-10-22 Compliance Filings," PURA said

Docket 14-07-19RE07


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