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Pa. PUC Directs Opening Of Proceeding To Review Customer List Opt-Out, Other Issues, Including Notice Via Email

January 18, 2024

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Copyright 2010-23
Reporting by Paul Ring •

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The Pennsylvania PUC today directed the initiation of a proceeding to consider amendments to the guidelines governing the eligible customer lists (ECLs) at the electric utilities, including the manner of notification to customers of their ability to opt-out of inclusion on the customer lists which are provided to retail electric suppliers

The opening of a generic proceeding came as the PUC addressed a petition from Duquesne Light concerning its 2024 opt-out solicitation

The PUC said, "We further agree with the OCA that we should initiate a proceeding to investigate the efficacy of email solicitation during the triennial ECL periods on a statewide basis and consider amendments to the current Interim Guidelines to better address consumers preferences during future ECL solicitation periods."

The Commission directed the Office of Competitive Market Oversight in conjunction with the Law Bureau to open a proceeding at Docket No. M-2010-2183412, "to update the eligible customer list guidelines applicable to all electric distribution companies."

The PUC granted a request, in part, from Duquesne Light to expand email solicitation of the ECL opt-out, with the approval only applying to the 2024 process and not future years, and expressly applying only to Duquesne Light

Specifically, as previously authorized for 2021, Duquesne Light is for 2024 authorized to send the ECL customer solicitation, which includes the opt-out, via email only (with no physical copy mailed) to "e-communication customers", in addition to e-Billing customers (which is already authorized under the current guidelines)

E-communication customers are those residential customers who have not registered for e-Billing but have provided their emails to the Company and consented to receive electronic communications



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