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Texas TDU Files Petitions To Revoke REP Certificates Of Two Retail Providers

August 2, 2024

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Copyright 2024
Reporting by Paul Ring •

The following story is brought free of charge to readers by VertexOne, the exclusive EDI provider of

Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC has filed separate petitions with the Texas PUC to revoke the REP certificates of OnPoint Energy Texas, LLC, and Declaration Energy LLC

As first reported by, both REPs recently sold customer books and have sought to relinquish their certificates (details here and here)

The revocation petitions from Oncor were not unexpected, as Oncor had stated previously that it would file such petitions to the extent PUC Staff did not. Staff has not filed a revocation petition against either REP and has, in fact, recommended that each REP's relinquishment application be approved (with regard to OnPoint, while Staff has not specifically withdrawn its recommendation, subsequent developments in the proceeding have redirected focus from the prior recommendation)

Generally, Oncor is seeking revocation of each REP's certificate so that the PUC may draw on each REP's letter of credit to pay any outstanding balances, under the waterfall payment priority set in rule

Oncor alleged that, as of July 31, 2024, OnPoint owes Oncor approximately $994,443.96

Oncor alleged that, as of July 31, 2024, Declaration owes Oncor approximately $2,093,496.02

Oncor sought revocation under the alleged grounds that each REP no longer has the financial or technical capability to provide continuous and reliable electric service, as required by PURA § 39.356(a)

Oncor further alleged the following violations by each REP:

• Failure to maintain financial resources in accordance with 16 TAC § 25.107(f)

• Inability to meet financial obligations on a reasonable and timely basis

• Failure to timely remit payment for invoiced charges to a TDU for services provided

Docket 56910 - OnPoint

Docket 56912 - Declaration


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