Texas PUC Commissioners Support Target, Not Mandatory, Reliability Standard
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During an August 15 discussion concerning development of a reliability standard for the ERCOT market, a majority of Texas PUC Commissioners expressed support for using the reliability standard as a target, rather than being a mandated level, though the term "target" would not be used in the reliability standard rule
The rule would provide that the Commission "will" review an assessment from ERCOT regarding whether any market design changes are necessary to achieve the reliability standard stated in the rule, but the rule would not otherwise mandate any action by the Commission in response to the assessment, preserving flexibility for the Commission. The rule would not establish triggers for specific actions that would be required to be taken if the assessment indicates that the reliability target will not be met
The PUC did not today take a vote on a final rule for the reliability standard, but provided feedback for the drafting of a proposal for adoption
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August 15, 2024
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Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com
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